I wish I could join, but I'm not scouted:( Excited to see how the final art piece looks!
I make "art"
Sometimes NSFW :]
Age 24, (Bunny) Girl
Robot Tamer
Michigan :)
Joined on 9/29/23
I wish I could join, but I'm not scouted:( Excited to see how the final art piece looks!
Nice collab, I would like to participate so I can try to experiment the field of alien design! Shall the alien be sad? Are there limits in the character design aside from the dimension?
The aliens are all going to be escaping in one of those stereotypical "hole in the wall" jailbreak scenes, so do with that what you will.
There aren't really any limits to the design itself, but we'd prefer original, personalized designs over ones that are directly inspired or copied from other things like games or movies, and I'd rather thing stay more on the G-PG side!
What exactly will the background image be like? Just a rough description of it would be nice. Are we going to draw our aliens running towards the camera, or a specific other direction, or not running at all, etc?
The scene is going to be one of those general "hole in the wall" jailbreak things, with the actual parts more or less customized to actually fit the characters that get sent in!
Really, you can do whatever in terms of action because of that, but running toward the camera is generally a good, can't-go-wrong option!
I'm not Scouted.
a dumb question cuz I'm a bit dumb-
is the AH style mandatory? example I make an alien oc, but does it have to try to replicate the game style? or is anything okay?
We'd actually prefer if you used a different style! We wanna try to keep things original since this is a general alien collab!
ohh I'll definitely be joining this! should the submissions be shaded or is it okay if it's a flat image?
Either is fine, and Forge will make sure any flat drawings can be given some shading to match the background if need be!
cant wait to participate! are we only allowed to do one alien?
Sorry for the wait! You can do more than one, but I'd probably cap it at 2 so the canvas doesn't get too crowded!
oh HELL yes. i'm doing this
@HogGruesome I only had 2 alien designs in mind so that will work out great!
@Morpherence Aww that's a bummer :( A collab blocked off by not being scouted. Also unfair to those who got unscouted as well.
@GhostPepperNG Yeah :( I mean I can see way but at the same time, unfortunate :(
@Dark290z Sadge :(
@Tyhond Hello! I have been scouted. Don't worry :)
@Dark290z Oh awesome! :D Congrats!
@Tyhond Thanks :D
I will try to join on It!
Oh hell yeah son I'm down
Hell yeah I'm down!
I like it. I will do it.
I would to jo... God damn I'm not scouted on art portal. Ughrr